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Enya Lyrics


Enya's bio

X-files Quotes

Claws, Paws, and Talons

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This is generally where you might find me when I'm on the Web.

Fun Sites
X-files transcripts
seven seasons of the X-files written out. What could be better? Mulder has the greatest lines.

The Internet Movie Database Go here to check out movies.
ehow It's how to do things. My favorite entries are "how to flirt" and "how to write a love letter" (for entertainment value only)
Enya's bio

Favorite Sites FREE Web Space for All!
Miami U Marching Band It's my favorite Organization. Need I say more...
blue mountain Greeting cards online!

Blackops Conspiracies at their best. Just like the X-files.
Enya and her music videos
more Enya pages
Enya's Teahouse Moon A very cute site. You can even send post cards.
Enya midi files

