Katie or Scully
no matter who you know me as, you know that I love classical, celtic, and world music, go to Carlow College, and love writing.
Somethings you may not know about me are: I was born in West Virginia, and moved to PA when I was three, and I was a camp counselor over the last two summers. I loved every minute of it. Especially all the cool people I worked with there.
The Story Behind My Site
Enya has always been a favorite of mine, my mother got me hooked. There are always people who haven't heard of her, but my roomate loves her as well, so I can play my Enya Cd's any time I want. There's a cool story behind The Memory of Trees (the album), when it came out. Trees were given to radio stations to give out to listeners. The packages read "According to Celtic folklore, a tree retains the memories of the times in which it grows. Cutting down tree is like cutting history. Plant this little tree and help create a new treasure trove of memories."
Favorite ancestral story
Supposedly I am related to the Dauphan, the crown prince of France. (The Burbons) My family would say that you'd probably guess that already.
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